What is the START HERE Phase of PhotovoiceKit?

Congratulations! You are about to create positive change in your community!

PhotovoiceKit.com gives you all the tools you need to complete a photovoice project and become a change agent in your community.


image5The “START HERE” section of PhotovoiceKit is designed to get you thinking about the kind of change you would like to make in your community.
You will get started by learning how documentary photography can lead to social change and how you can use the photovoice process to raise awareness and motivate action.

You will see some examples of photovoice projects implemented by other groups.

You will begin to consider what it means to photograph people and places so that everyone involved is represented realistically, safely, and ethically.

You will explore the photovoice process and focus on how to select a target issue, recruit group members (if needed), and coordinate the logistics for your team.
image4Finally, this section will highlight ways in which photovoice projects can be used to target issues that impact all communities. These issues include: underage alcohol use, tobacco use, and obesity. Of course, photovoice can and has been used to promote all kinds of social change.

Get started on your own photovoice project by clicking the “Next” button below. You can always return to previous sections by clicking the “Previous” button, or by returning to the main menu.
