What is the DISCOVERY Phase of PhotovoiceKit?

Use photography to Discover your community!

Professional PhotographerPhotoville entry picimage4The “DISCOVERY” section of PhotovoiceKit will prepare you to get into your community.

Within the Discovery section, you will learn how to become a photovoice photographer, express your voice, and develop your team’s “Roadmap for Change”.

To enhance your skills as a Change Agent, you will learn about photography basics, how to take powerful photos that tell a story, how to be a responsible photographer, and practice your photography skills in the 3-D town of “Photoville”.

PhotovoiceKit will help you write moving captions to make photos more powerful, select photos that tell your story and keep your group’s photos and captions organized.

Take lots of photosSo join your friends and community members as you discover the power of photography. Now is the time for photovoice to become your voice… where you allow creative images to tell an influential story…your community’s story… your story.

Click the “Next” button to get started as a Photovoice Photographer and DISCOVER!
